Tag Archives: Addiction

The Signs Of Alcoholism

AlcoholismUnfortunately, the signs of alcoholism are not identified until the late stages of the addiction.  This is generally due to the fact that binge drinking has become acceptable in 21st century society.  Yet, while the ‘after work glass of wine’ can be deemed agreeable, it can be a sign of alcoholism if presented with certain other symptoms.  Sadly, the lack of information makes this very difficult to notice and increasingly difficult to manage.  This article is a brief guide to some of the most common signs of alcoholism.

1. A high tolerance level for alcohol

A high tolerance level for alcohol is one of the first signs of alcohol addiction.  It is often undetected by people who choose to drink during celebrations with the user.  However, if a person requires greater amounts of alcohol than before to feel the effects of alcohol then they may be experiencing alcohol addiction.

2. Showing unsociable behavior

Generally alcohol addicts are unsocial drinkers and would rather drink in isolation to drinking in social situations.  If a person transitions from being a social drinker to drinking in solitary situations, they may be heading towards alcoholism.  Furthermore, if they begin focusing on alcohol and the consumption of alcohol this may be a strong sign of alcoholism.

3. A change in appearance and physical health

It is important to remember that alcohol is a drug and using alcohol is the same as substance abuse.  This will lead to changes in physical appearance and physical health with the eyes appearing red and sunken, as well as sallow skin with dry patches.  Some alcoholics will gain weight, but others have been known to lose weight as they focus on drinking alcohol exclusively.

If an individual presents with nausea, tremors, a loss of coordination, changes in moods and headaches when kept away from alcohol for certain periods of time, then he/she can be diagnosed as an alcoholic.

Understanding and Treating Alcohol Abuse

Treating Alcohol AbuseAlcoholism is a common condition which can affect people from all walks of life. It is easy to think of an alcoholic as being someone who does not function in society any more, but the truth is that many people with families, and people who work in positions of responsibility, engage in alcohol abuse.

What is Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse can be classed as any person who drinks more than the recommended amount of alcohol on a daily basis, and who feels the need to lie about their drinking habits, or who regularly drinks more than they actually intended to.
Common signs of alcohol abuse include  needing to drink to “have a good time”, regularly indulging in more drinks than they intended to, lying about how much you drink, spending money on alcohol that is needed to pay other bills or expenses, or drinking so much that it affects your ability to perform at your job.

Recovering from Alcohol Abuse

If an alcoholic is willing to recognise that they have a problem, then they can get help from an alcohol abuse treatment center. Recovering from alcoholism is a multi-step process which includes not just detoxifying from the alcohol itself, but also identifying the psychological factors that caused the alcoholism to occur.  Addiction is often a sign that there is something else missing from the addict’s life, and if that issue is not fully identified and understood then the addict may end up relapsing once they leave the treatment center.

Alcohol abuse does not always equate to full-blown alcoholism. Some people who abuse alcohol are able to function in society most of the time. However, if you think that you or someone you know is abusing alcohol then it is a good idea to seek advice now before the problem becomes serious.

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Addiction To Pain Meds Such As Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, and Meperidine

Drug RehabMany people think that just because they are not buying illicit drugs behind the garage in the alley, they can never be a person who is addicted to a drug. Unfortunately, they are sadly mistaken. The most serious drug problems in the United States is the addiction of people to their prescription pain medication. The death rate is 45 people that are killed each day from these prescription drugs, compared to 20 people per day that die from cocaine and heroin.

Drug addiction is defined as a condition where a person loses control in regard to a drug that they are taking and they are in a situation where they always want more of the drug because of its pleasurable results when taken by the individual. Curiosity is also a cause for many people to start taking these drugs.

Pain is relieved by opioids because of their minimizing of the pain intensity interrupting the signals of pain that reach the brain. They also affect the areas of the brain that control our emotions. If the drugs are taken strictly for pain, and for that reason only, a person is not likely to become addicted, because once the pain is relieved, they stop taking the drug.

However, when the drug is taken in a higher doses, by injection or orally, they have an intoxicating high result.

Painkilling drugs have become an increasingly more problematic situation and health concern. A person who is an addict will compulsively use the drug and that compulsion cannot be overcome without treatment professionally. If they are not treated their lives become focused entirely on getting more of the drug. If not arrested, the habit can be fatal.

These medications do have very difficult withdrawal symptoms and a person will need a professional detox program to successfully get off of the drug.

The Fastest Way On How To Improve Yourself

486894787At some point in our lives we have all faced trials and tribulations. Fortunately, we are not judged by our trials and tribulations, nor how we react during them, but by what we learn, and how we are shaped by them. This article will offer some insight and advice concerning personal development.

Have a positive attitude. Remember that everything is a matter of perspective, and if you start from a positive place every morning, you can carry that around with you, and frame things in the proper way. Soon you will be able to handle problems in a much better way.

End the day in a constructive way: think about what went wrong and visualize how you would have liked it to go. This way, you release the negative thinking around it, and get a better night’s sleep knowing you have let it go. Eventually, your days might start going better too.

One way to accelerate your personal development progress is to keep a journal devoted to the subject. This need not be a lengthy, soul-searching document. Even simply jotting down the goals you set will help you keep them in mind. Adding more information about the steps you are taking towards those goals will make your efforts more organized.

You need to be realistic with your to-do lists. If you have things on there that you cannot do in a day, then that will hinder the rest of your progression and probably make you feel disappointed in yourself. Be realistic and add things that you know you can achieve in a day. Keep it simple to get things done.

Anything that befalls us in life is an opportunity to learn and grow. Sometimes it is hardship that causes the learning, and sometimes it is extreme fortune that results in growth. However it happens, personal development is the key to leading a successful, happy and fulfilling life. Like Socrates says, “The unexamined life isn’t worth living.”

Steroids and the Devastating Damage They Can Cause

483051593When people think of typically abused drugs and drug addicts, the usually think of opioids, sedatives, uppers and hallucinogens. They may think of people who are emaciated, strung out, unhealthy looking and people who don’t take care of themselves, work out or eat healthy. But for those who abuse steroids, the picture is quite different.

Misusing steroids IS a form of substance abuse and it can have serious consequences. Body builders and other athletes who are looking to perform phenomenal feats in their sport can often be tempted to try “roids”, even if just once.

Steroids can be called juice, stackers, or simply roids. The user takes them because they can help build muscles quickly, give them extraordinary stamina and help them excel in their sport. They are popular in the world of bodybuilding, weightlifting, wresting, baseball and even endurance sports like bike riding.

Sadly, even well known athletes like Lance Armstrong, Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens have used them and forever tainted their names and the sports they played. They have faced harsh consequences for this including being banned from the sport and losing titles.

But novice athletes have used them too, justifying it by saying they will only use them for a little while.They do experience muscle growth and stamina but if you do not keep taking them, all benefits from them are lost. If they keep using them, they can suffer serious many serious conditions.

More serious conditions like shrunken testicles,enlarged breasts, prostrate problems, baldness impotence, decreased sperm count, severe acne, uncontrollable fit of “roid rage”, and psychological issues.These are just a few of the serious or even deadly conditions that roids can bring about.

When it comes to steroids, there is NO good reason the take them to enhance your sports prowess. The best way to excel at sports and develop muscle and stamina is the old way – practice, practice and practice.

When A Loved One Is Addicted To Amphetamines

177499985Any drug abuse expert will tell family members a methamphetamine addiction is hard to break.  In fact, these drugs are so dangerous that there is a very negative social stigma surrounding them.

Amphetamines, speed and uppers can cause a number of problems in a person’s life.  When a person first tries the drug, they may enjoy their experience.  This will lead to them trying the drug again at a later date.

If a user does this too frequently, his or her body will become accustomed to having the drug in its system.  Users that stop taking meth will be unable to function and will experience severe symptoms of withdrawals.

As meth makes people behave in a certain way, an addict will not maintain his or her regular lifestyle.  Most addicts lose contact with their loved ones and lose their job in the process.

The bright side to this problem is that addicts will eventually hit rock bottom.  At this stage, they will realize that they need help if they want to lead a normal life.

The friends and family members of addicts can help them by enrolling them in a treatment program and giving them emotional support.  Research has shown that inpatient treatment is the most effective treatment for drug addiction.

Inpatient treatment works because the patient checks themselves into a treatment facility.  As they have no contact with the outside world, they will be able to focus on their recovery.

Many addicts state the hardest part of recovery is withdrawal.  Because withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant at best, addicts often take drugs to make these symptoms go away.  At an inpatient facility, there will be doctors and nurses available to help patients through this process.  When the patient has no drugs in his or her system, they can start attending therapy sessions.

A Look At The Growing Problem Of Chemical Dependency

178953242While those who do not use or abuse chemical substances find it easy to differentiate between addictive behaviors, an individual who is dependent on certain substances to function will find it increasingly difficult to determine the difference between social and dependent substance abuse. This concept is only exacerbated by the fact that many individuals who are chemically dependent will surround themselves with others in the same boat to feel a sense of belonging in the most appropriate social circles (according to them).

Those who abuse drugs are not aware of their chemically dependent behaviors, nor are they aware of the symptoms demonstrating their drug addiction. While there are numerous addictive substances currently on the market, the signs of an addict are relatively the same and one major trend is that the individual will not admit that his/her behavior is abnormal. To promote this belief, they will find others with the same beliefs in their behavior supporting that this persistent drug use is ‘normal’ and fitting to social context.

Chemical dependence is not only a health risk, but it can also effect an individual’s social relationships. As the user delves deeper into the world of substance abuse, he/she loses the ability to interact with family and friends. In many instances, these family and friends will try to re-establish their ties and re-connect on an emotional level; however, the success of such actions will depend on the user’s willingness to repair the ruined relationships.

While overcoming a drug addiction requires great willingness to change from the drug user, the people who contributed to the dependency must also address their role in the problem and take responsibility. The majority of the time this is a difficult process as people will often abandon the user; but it is vital that they understand the addict is not responsible in solving their emotional issues regarding this situation.

Despite the growing levels of chemical dependence in the 21st century society, it should be noted that no-one has to accept a chemically dependent lifestyle. If you are looking to move away from that lifestyle, there is support available to help you through the problem.

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The Dangers of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms

175125340There are many types of drugs available for purchase on the market but, one that most people make themselves is a hallucinogenic mushroom tea. Once the tea is made and ingested, the person will begin to experience symptoms. The amount of time it takes and the intensity of the experience can vary greatly, depending upon the strength of the mushrooms harvested, the amount used, and the individual.

Although it may seem like harmless fun, the use of shrooms can be very dangerous. Due to the variability in strength, a person may have an experience far more intense than they had planned. This can make the symptoms of using it worsen, including an even greater heart rate and level of perspiration. Additionally, there are mushrooms that are very similar in appearance which are actual fatal. One of them accidentally added to the tea can kill everyone who drinks it. Because the picking is not regulated, there is no way to know for certain the quality of mushrooms being used.

When people are under the influence of magic mushrooms, they are unable to participate in regular activities. This means that their family relationships and employment situation are likely to suffer. This can lead to intense personal complications. Sometimes, the person may feel that tripping again is the only way to escape from the misery their addiction is causing.

If you find yourself in this situation, you are not alone. There are plenty of people who have found themselves caught up in addiction to escape. If you want to reclaim your life, it is not too late. The first thing you need to do is contact a qualified therapist or drug treatment center. There, you will learn the tools that you need to live your life without the use of mushrooms.

Addicted To Amphetamines – A Student’s Testimonial

178539515The majority of schools will present their students with sex education and drug education seminars at some point.  For me, and my fellow high school buddies, this was delivered when we were approximately 14 years old.  We were old enough to understand the information being presented, but not old enough to actually care about the importance thereof.  Truthfully, I don’t think we would have cared even if we were slightly older.  Who wants to know about speed and marijuana when your hormones are spiraling out of control.

I left home to study law at a university on the opposite side of the country.  This was not because the law school chosen was the best in the country, but rather as a means of getting as far away from home as possible.  I lived a very sheltered life and wanted to experience my ‘student life’ without any parental input.  Little did I know this would have severe physical and psychology consequences.

As an ‘innocent’ I was very impressionable and feel victim to peer pressure on a regular occasion.  My university boyfriend was a regular substance user, speed in particular, and we would use this amphetamine on a regular basis.  At first it was to boost our energy levels when attending parties; but soon it became a way of coping with the stress of university and all relationships.

When I returned home for the holidays my parents were shocked at my physical and psychological state.  I didn’t have access to speed and would have horrific mood swings due to withdrawal.  My physical health had started to fail and, while I thought I looked well, I was severely underweight and appeared anorexic.  This is because speed suppresses appetite and boosts your energy so you become more active without eating.

I wasn’t allowed to return to university once my parents saw my physical and psychological state.  They withdrew me from my course and kept me at home to watch my recovery from substance abuse.  In retrospect I am glad they helped me and I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for my parents.

Benzodiazepine Addiciton

185985076Doctors prescribe benzodiazepines to help people sleep and to reduce anxiety. Common prescription names for this class of drugs includes Xanax, Valium, and Ativan. Usually, these prescriptions are for short term use only because they can be very addictive. Unfortunately for many, addiction sets in and makes it difficult for them to get off of the drug.

The use of benzos, a shortened slang term for benzodiazepines, can help patients to relieve their anxiety. If the patient is not receiving help for the underlying issues, they may begin to depend on the drug to block out their negative emotional experiences. Otherwise, when the prescription is brought to an end, the person will have a resurgence of these emotional problems along with the uncomfortable withdrawal from the medications.

At this time, the addict may seek other ways to obtain the medication. It can be found on the black market, at an increased rate. There are also disreputable websites that sell a variety of prescription drugs. These medications are not subject to the intense regulations of the industry. Often, they are from other countries that have less stringent rules.

With the access to illegal benzos, the addict may begin to increase the dosage into very dangerous amounts. Alcohol and other drug use can make it even worse. The use of high doses of these drugs has been implicated in many deaths.

If you or someone you know is addicted to benzodiazepines, it is important to get help immediately. Left unchecked, the addiction can be fatal. There are detox and treatment centers that allow patients to go through withdrawal in a safe, medically controlled environment. Additionally, these centers can help the person to deal with emotional baggage that has been controlling them. The first step in getting free from the addiction is the recognition of a problem.