Steroids and the Devastating Damage They Can Cause

483051593When people think of typically abused drugs and drug addicts, the usually think of opioids, sedatives, uppers and hallucinogens. They may think of people who are emaciated, strung out, unhealthy looking and people who don’t take care of themselves, work out or eat healthy. But for those who abuse steroids, the picture is quite different.

Misusing steroids IS a form of substance abuse and it can have serious consequences. Body builders and other athletes who are looking to perform phenomenal feats in their sport can often be tempted to try “roids”, even if just once.

Steroids can be called juice, stackers, or simply roids. The user takes them because they can help build muscles quickly, give them extraordinary stamina and help them excel in their sport. They are popular in the world of bodybuilding, weightlifting, wresting, baseball and even endurance sports like bike riding.

Sadly, even well known athletes like Lance Armstrong, Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens have used them and forever tainted their names and the sports they played. They have faced harsh consequences for this including being banned from the sport and losing titles.

But novice athletes have used them too, justifying it by saying they will only use them for a little while.They do experience muscle growth and stamina but if you do not keep taking them, all benefits from them are lost. If they keep using them, they can suffer serious many serious conditions.

More serious conditions like shrunken testicles,enlarged breasts, prostrate problems, baldness impotence, decreased sperm count, severe acne, uncontrollable fit of “roid rage”, and psychological issues.These are just a few of the serious or even deadly conditions that roids can bring about.

When it comes to steroids, there is NO good reason the take them to enhance your sports prowess. The best way to excel at sports and develop muscle and stamina is the old way – practice, practice and practice.

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