Tag Archives: addiction treatment programs

Inpatient Versus Outpatient Addiction Treatment


There are many different types of addiction treatment programs that use various techniques within the program itself to give the best chance at a successful recovery from addiction. With styles such as adventure counseling, equine therapy, and other unique treatments, it can be difficult to figure out which specific program is best for you or for a loved one who needs addiction treatment. Of all of the specific drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs that are out there, they will usually fall into one of two categories, inpatient or outpatient. Understanding these two types of treatment programs is the first step in finding which program is best for you.

Inpatient Treatment

This is what you ma think of as traditional drug and alcohol rehab. In an inpatient treatment setting, the recovering addict is actually staying in the facility for a predetermined amount of time — usually in a rehab house, treatment facility, or at a clinic. Attendees are usually restricted to certain schedules, and are required to remain on the premises for much of their treatment.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient Treatment uses many of the same techniques as an inpatient treatment program, however the recovering addict is not required to be living or staying in the facility where treatment is being provided. The individual completes counseling and treatment at the facility, and at the end of the day is allowed to return home. This helps with keeping work schedules, school classes, and prior engagements.

In the end, it is entirely a matter of preference, and weighing the options and deciding which treatment course will be best for you, and will be most effective.

New Beginnings Recovery Center
12300 Alternate A1A
Suite 111
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

intensive outpatient program